B2B Hockey

When a non-profit, charitable endeavor or small business looks to extend and grow its reach, the creative juices begin to flow.  Ideas often come from unusual places.

Battlefields2Ballfields is no exception.  Thanks to the organization’s name and mission being placed in consideration for new exposure opportunities, a partnership was born.

As part of a collaboration which involved Google, five students from BYU-Idaho chose Battlefields2Ballfields as the project they most wanted to work with. 

Led by Stephen Bailin and aided by Ty Meisel, Tanner Gothard, Sarah Christensen and Mason Griffiths, Bailin spelled out the group’s mission.

 “We were all intrigued by what we read about Battlefields2Ballfields,” Bailin explained.  “We are all football fans and when we saw that this was founded by Mike Pereira, it intrigued us all the more.”

 A series of Zoom meetings later, Pereira and the B2B staff gave the group the go-ahead to put together a plan to increase B2B’s exposure through Google Searches.

 Each member of the group was tasked with a certain portion of the overall effort.  Within three weeks’ time, they had already achieved the bulk of its objective.

 “We all worked with Google Ads to help people find B2B through Google Searches,” Bailin continued. “Google Ads has a series of catch phrases designed to steer searchers in a certain direction. The program we set up allows us to cover what people are searching, so that we can direct potential officials to the B2B website and get them to register for the program.”

 Bailin plays amateur hockey, so he and his crew set up a table in the lobby of the Joe Marmo/Wayne Lehto Ice Arena in Idaho Falls, Idaho.  “The B2B presence included pamphlets, whistles and a banner that showcased the presence of the organization.  Efforts were made to talk to people in the lobby, inviting them to take a pamphlet, learn more about B2B and to notify loved ones who might need a work opportunity.  It was good for all of us to know that people now knew that B2B existed.

 “We are so thankful for Stephen, Ty, Sarah, Tanner and Mason for taking such an active interest in expanding our footprint,” said Melissa Washington, B2B’s Executive Director.  “Their efforts have each been outstanding.  All of us greatly appreciate what they have done.”